Enough of your short jokes but my young fella shot well tonight.
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He blitzed his mates who only got in the 70's
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Enough of your short jokes but my young fella shot well tonight.
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He blitzed his mates who only got in the 70's
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good stuff
Well done Sean.
I'm going to join next season and ya all know how deadly my .22 is:D
They'll have to build a longer range
Better hope @Sean doesn't outshone ya!
@seano when/if your old man goes along, post up a pic of his first card.
Just a question, why only the 3 targets and not the 10+1 sighter target card?
@Beaker he isn't shooting with a jacket yet but still out shot the fullas with slings and fancy jackets.
Well done Sean.
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he shoots better than me well done nice looking range as well :thumbsup:
Using Smallbore to hone my LR shooting skills.
Anschutz 1415 M54 single shot, with a 4-12 x 44 branded air rifle scope, shooting Eley Club at 25 yards.
Old range in Masterton is the 'duck's guts' for lighting, quantity of shooters (20, split 10 up, 10 down with single or double 10/1 cards) and great help.
Also do secondary schools on Tuesday nights, local AgriCollege on Thursdays - club practise after the Ag students disappear.
Just a new member, so am trying to get the older guys to start promoting the Club and facilities :thumbsup:
Good work young fellah - maybe you'll show the old blokes a thing or two eh :D
I honestly think smallbore is the most pure of shooting sports, pure technique and no worrying about wind etc. it stands you in good stead for any other discipline in the future.
Been doing it on and off for 24 years and have got to the point that 98 prone makes me very upset with myself and wondering what I did wrong-currently working out how to do it in China as they do have a national team for it so it is possible
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Very true, indoor smallbore = an equipment and technique/skills drag race, no wind issues. Outdoor smallbore, mmmm back to wind issues. Only did 1 season outdoors and many seasons indoor. At lot of the ranges, now well gone were drafty holes and that included the freezing memorial halls we also shot in. Few pianos up the on the stages had injuries. Not guilty. Gave it away as an A grader at the time the Mt Richmond range got burned down. Just giving smallbore a go for 1 season for the average hunter type shooter has enormous benefits.
Aperture shooters @ Masterton average 98-99 with a few X's thrown in for good measure.
Last NDC shoot a couple of weeks ago - we had a number shoot 100's with some 7-9 X's.
My best (with a scope @ 10x) is 99, 6 X's, these guys regularly shoot 98-99, 6-8 X's with apertures.
The oldest shooter just turned 70, youngest is early 20's.
Great practise - and we have a wood stove fire in the 'social' room, with a kitchen and chocolate biscuits too :thumbsup:.
Best way to refresh rusty skills IMHO.
Another good score but point1 behind last weeks.
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There is room to improve but nice shooting @Sean
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Good shooting, things to watch especially when starting out are the sight picture and breathing, always make sure your at the end of a breath when squeezing the trigger.
Shot smallbore for 15 yrs on and off and that was what would always catch me out when I wasn't paying enough attention.
Shot it right throughout high school and didn't do too bad. It has helped significantly with all other aspects of my shooting. To be honest, might look at getting back into it. Still regret selling all my gear before my big overseas experience.
Ah well :)
Must of had a bad night,on the 10 and 1 targets tonight.
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Don't worry young fella.
Moving your point of aim to a new target every shot, takes a little getting used to.
When I started (with a 10X fixed power ex-Army scope), I really had to focus on each target as my 'first target'.
Once you've worked out your target 'sequence', a regular rhythm of target acquisition (correct target) and all the other steps mentioned by more experienced shooters above, your scores will increase.
I had evenings where I shot 96-97, then the following week 80-90.
Consistency in technique and methodology makes it easier for me - could work for you.
I look forward to seeing your improvement over the coming months.
You've got great help at your range from what I've read above - excusing the 'coaches' verbal potshots at each other :ORLY:
In my experience, taking one thing and making it better, then including it as part of your shot process, gets you scoring consistently high.
My 2c worth.
WallyR - dead right about position and treating each shot as an individual (plus excluding from your brain the value of the last shot if it was a bummer). Once I was shooting reasonably well I used to lose most of my points on the top right hand target - totally a postion issue. Except it progressed to the point where it got to be a mental issue when I reached that target and expected to drop a point. Took a lot of me working on me to overcome that. At least at tyro level tyros haven't got to the point of putting crazy pressure on themselves. Also saw a lot of shooters have problems with their last target - again, a mental issue. There are also various theories around about what is the best way to go around your target, once sighters completed, in order to minimise the effects of positional changes. Shooting off a rest still needs position care, no different to shooting with a sling otherwise the shots will be "muscled" over.
I found by mixing up going clockwise or anti clockwise helped brake a habit of messing up the last shot. My ammo block is laid out in the pattern of the targets so it became a case of checking where I was taking the round from to know where to shoot next. Separating each shot from the ones before and after is so much harder than it sounds but the skill is one that transfers over into other areas of your life
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good on the young fella!!
I found when I started smallbore there was not a lot of coaching available. I shot in auckland so there were some very good shooters around to ask a few questions of. If I did some reading I would ask one or two of them if thats how they shot and usually get some good advise.
Early on I bought a copy of 'ways of the rifle'. It was good for starting out in smallbore and one I would recommend if you are the type to learn through reading.
I went in to mastergrade in my first year and if I was to put it down to one thing it was concentrating on getting my natural point of aim for every shot. So when I come up on a target and I am fully relaxed and exhale, the sight picture is good. If I have to slightly push, pull, drop or lift a shoulder etc to get that sight picture then I was not at my natural point of aim and the chances of a 10.1 were a lot less.
It does take practice and patience and early on you might feel like you are really running against the clock to make it but I think to get to a _consistent_ high level you have to do it. Once you are used to it it's not hard and often it's a tiny tweak in position like you are low on the target and your right foot toes goes back a tiny bit, just enough that when you relax, exhale you are dead on the target without any muscle input trying to correct your sight picture.
If your area has something like a SCATT device you might be able to book it for a week later on to check if you have any other issues like trigger pull, holding too long etc.. I bought one at some time and it was a great tool to tell you how you are going but I was never one to put in long stints of dry firing...
Good luck!
PS, as mentioned by others, often the last shots, especially on a 20 card become difficult. They are right, it can be mental and the pressure can come on if you have shot 17+ 10's up to that point but it is also where you can really start to fall out of position. The body has had to move a lot to get to the far left to the far right. This is where if you dont use the natural point of aim you start to hold and force the rifle in to position because your body as fallen down and/or NPA is still to the left where you originally started. Practice acquiring the NPA and the right hand targets will be as good as the left. Of course, all just in my experience :)
Shot 100.6 (with scope last week), doing exactly what you've suggested - changing direction around the 10/1 targets.
First card 97.4 through my usual cycle, reversed the cycle direction on the second card - 100.6!
Young Sean - there's lots of good advice here.
Thanks @zimmer for the chart - just have to work out how to print it off.
Will be very useful for teaching purposes on Tuesdays, when we have local colleges preparing their shooters for the inter-Collegiates in October. :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the advice team.
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10 and 1 again tonight
Much improvement:)
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On last weeks effort but we were dealing with health issues and other shit it in the family that might of lacked concentration.
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Good effort @Sean remember to move your body with the targets as tonight your legs never moved.
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Yea, have to move those legs and hips. You have time to re set up several times per shot if needed-a good breathing routine (I like 3-5 breath cycles depending on how much stress I'm trying to work out of my body/mind)with your eyes shut until your at the point in your breathing that you choose to shoot at(personally I use a point just above empty that I find fairly repeatable due to a rib touching down on the floor at the point-I should point out its a damaged rib so won't work for everyone) then open to check what your natural point of aim is-you shouldn't be having to mussel the rifle on. If it's not pointing at a ten I reset up my body or check it by relaxing and doing the breathing thing again-you do have time. Once I'm happy with my natural point of aim I start breathing through my cycle (the rifle should be going perfectly up and down with no side to side if you have your position right) while applying pressure to the trigger and doing minute movements of the hips to get things alined on the .1 it my vision start to fade before the trigger brakes I start the whole breathing cycle again.
Just what I find works for me
Some great tips there from @res
Not sure if covered though but when settling in to your natural position either close your eyes or glance to one side, go through your breathing routine, and then open eyes and see where your sights are pointing. Make adjustments as required and recheck.
I assume everyone now shoots the modified Estonian position (right leg drawn up) rather than "army". Estonian raises the chest and reduces the effect of diaphragm motion.
Don't hold your shots too long. Something I was guilty of - little voice in head saying "she'll be right", it seldom was. The longer you hold a situation called retina burn in occurs where you think you are still nicely holding the bull - you are not. I used to stop and restart the sequence. Sometimes would even raise and close bolt and proceed.
Shooting with both eyes open is another area of discussion.
Unfortunately, trying to follow all technique advise at once just screws up a young shooter and takes some of the fun out of it, although once you have been shooting for a while you become keen to improve obviously and apply all advise but better to concentrate on only few a facets initially - position and breathing.
And once everything is mastered you can then progress to subconsciously firing the shot between heartbeats, oh and you have slowed your heartbeat as well ha ha.
The both eyes open helped me heaps. Dad made a blinder from a matt grey plastic (think it was a 20l drum) and a magnet from a door catch. The key here is a neutral color, ie not white or black.
Also had one of those flappy hats with the side flaps. Reduced eye strain heaps and targets alot clearer.
I was (still am....) a fast shooter. I would spend time getting all sorted, timer starters, sighters sort of slow. Then 2nd from top left, then top left, around anti clockwise, second to last on card would be 2nd from top right, last top right. Again heaps of theories on shooting order, but that worked for me (taught by NZ rep, and the reasoning was it the same difference every shot, and lined you up for second card.
Well done Sean and keep at it! I have found it was a great foundation in accurate shooting - anything.
Another vote for both eyes open, judged a magnetic blinder for years but now just have both open with nothing blocking my view-I do the same when using a scope for hunting
Both eyes open for sure! For me anyway :) I used a blinder on the rifle and used milk bottle plastic.
If it wasn't already mentioned the pupils dilate in sympathy with one another so when you close one eye your pupil in both eyes will dilate open which may not be what is ideal for the eye looking through the sight.
It was the last night tonight. Parent kids shootout. A great turn out.
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Sean shot his personal best.
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My first attempt at smallbore
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