Found this entertaining vid of a sniper testing a smle no4. Very good.
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Found this entertaining vid of a sniper testing a smle no4. Very good.
Very enthusiastic. Half the entertainment was how Google caption software processed his Finnish accent.
Rare things,smle no.4s...
Entertaining,not bad of old scopes and rifles.
My father had one in great condition in the orig box and gave the bloody thing away to one of his boozy mates. We were dark on him for that. When I asked him in later years who it was as I wanted to try and buy it back, he couldn't remember.
They'd have to be the coolest WWII Sniper Rifle imo.
Great video, thanks for posting it up Woody.
Got to love his enthusiasm and posting some fun, ringing steel showing the light hearted side of shooting.
They captured the bullets traces really well.
Thanks for the vid. Reminded me that I need to dust off the old No.4 T and get to the range again.
Pretty cool alright, shows the old rifles and scopes with factory ammo ( vintage stuff ) are still very capable.