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Thread: : Snipers vs. Competition Shooters

  1. #1
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Mar 2012

    : Snipers vs. Competition Shooters

    steven likes this.
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  2. #2
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    And quite understandable I would think. El B a snipers intended target (note that I didn't say practise) is the human upper torso and that maintains the same physical dimension at 100 yards as it does at 1,000 yards so I would think snipers would spend much time shooting human shaped targets. Whereas from what I have seen, a competition shooter engages targets of various sizes and could be shooting at a 3 inch target at three hundred yards and a 10 inch target at 1,000 yards both of which are much smaller than the human form. In my opinion this alone would develop a higher aiming skill / capability in the competition shooter.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
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  3. #3
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
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    It's even more discrediting to the snipers when you factor in that they are typically shooting off bags, bipods or fixed rests of some description. Sure, the HP shooter gets a jacket, glove and sling but is still shooting off his/her elbows, no part of the rifle is supported by anything other than the shooters own body.
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.

  4. #4
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Yep, quite interesting. That said, the military trained snipers probably maintain their standard better under pressure, in a hurry, when someone else is shooting back...
    Savage1 likes this.

  5. #5
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    As at least one of the comments below the article point out, its only comparing the actually shooting, not all the other aspects that go with sniper training.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    This would be a good argument for opening up army ranges for public/competition use at least a few times a year. Be good free training for the people in service.
    7mmsaum and Hunt4life like this.

  7. #7
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Do you think this will then dissuade the current obsession for tactical trinket based rifle necessities.

    The next fashion may be benchrestical
    kimjon and Hunt4life like this.

  8. #8
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    bottom line is in the US target shooters spend more time shooting than the snipers . That said I have wittnessed a top FCLASS shooter lose to some that shoot farm ranges more than target flagged ranges .do it all or or you will lose to one that has! Tactical shit rules , pencil barrels haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nibblet View Post
    This would be a good argument for opening up army ranges for public/competition use at least a few times a year. Be good free training for the people in service.
    And it is called the service rifle nationals, held in Waiouru.
    Hunt4life likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by compound View Post
    And it is called the service rifle nationals, held in Waiouru.
    Cool thanks will have a look in to that. Was thinking it would be nice to open up places like Army Bay range and the likes to the public occasionally. If they don't already.

  11. #11
    Member Hunt4life's Avatar
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    Where can we find out more about this Compound?

  12. #12
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunt4life View Post
    Where can we find out more about this Compound?
    You're in the perfect spot to join ASRA since we shoot at Duders during the summer. You'll get all to info you need about the SR Nationals and any other SR matches. Auckland Service Rifle Assn
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.

  13. #13
    Member andyanimal31's Avatar
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    Just join the taihape steer dorkers as we go up every now and again for some range days. So far shot out to 600 and the next shoot hopefully out to 1000 next time.the local club just had our club shoot on steel out to 890 with a good turn out and some great shootingSMS
    Quote Originally Posted by Hunt4life View Post
    Where can we find out more about this Compound?
    el borracho likes this.
    My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!

  14. #14
    Member 6MMBR's Avatar
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    yeah interesting. but lying in your own piss in the snow or bull ants biteing your goosh desert ...then some goose saying that target and comp shooters are better. cant compare the to. if you do your a dreamer.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6MMBR View Post
    yeah interesting. but lying in your own piss in the snow or bull ants biteing your goosh desert ...then some goose saying that target and comp shooters are better. cant compare the to. if you do your a dreamer.
    Dead right. I still wouldn't fuck with a sniper.



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