now , I haven't read all the posts but I get the gist that its all Hoo-rah and all that ....buuuuuuut ..... and remember I hunt bugger all , ........ I like shooting guns , I like shooting them at things .... I even kinda like shooting on the courses set up at my range (when my leg manages to stay on ) .... I kinda would ;like to do a pistol advanced tactical thingy .... I like firing machine guns . I like the smell of cordite ... grease gunpowder etc etc .... I think the americans have instilled in them selves a fear mentality , where they believe they need to learn these things .... I think a lot of these courses give a good amount of confidence to people who maybe lack it .... I would love to train with the aos , sas etc .... I loved the army and at times wished I stayed... im not that interested in the paintball thing , or airsoft guys , but if fellas want to run around and have fun doing that , more power to em , ..... I also enjoyed hunting and stalking , and even sitting very still and watching the animals move around .... then the kill shot , I like all types of firearm "fun" .... sorry on using the word fun, I am very serious on gun safety , but for me a lot of my shooting is fun .... if I could manage it , I would do a tactical course just because it looks "fun" ..... once again , my opinion and mine alone .