Evening everyone.
I was looking at my groups I shot last Sunday out of my new 6.5mm SAUM this afternoon and trying to find a way of measuring group size. While I was looking on google, I came across a neat little program called On Target Precision Calculator. So I downloaded it onto my PC and had a bit of a play around with it.
What it does is enable you to import a picture of your target from your phone (or camera) in JPEG format. Once you have calibrated the target correctly, the program allows you to input bullet holes over the top of your actual shots on the target to give you the exact group size. Believe me, the results you see below are exactly the measurements I got when I measured my target with my digital vernier.
Best of all, the software is free. There is a paid version as well, however the free version is all I need. The link to the software is below, along with a couple of screen shots from my laptop.
On Target Precision Calculator