Taupo NZDA range
So, we have the kids home on Monday coming due to a Teacher only day and I thought we might womble up to the range at Taupo.
However being as I haven't been up there in years I thought I may check to see what, if any changes or events are happening.
Unfortunately I just get an error message on the webpage and am unable to find anything out. Don't have Facebook so can't use that link, anybody know what the deal is now? Can you still rock up and deposit in the honesty box, raise range flag etc?
Figure we could make a day out of it and take the copious reloaded .223 along with the.22 and the .243. There will be 4 kids plus Mum and Dad, actually are kids even allowed?
Any advice is greatly appreciated
Yep, the honesty box plus paperwork system was working when I was there a couple of months back
Paperwork system? Like a range log?
I should add I am ex Army and have experience as an RO and range operations etc however not sure about how the law works around all that guff nowdays
Yes need to fill out form with your details, FAL etc & put in a lock box
$10 if you aren't in Taupo NZDA