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Thread: TECT all terain park rifle range

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Well said @Woody have so far had excellent times at that range, everyone is safety conscious and everybody talks to each other. Good chance to lol at or shoot some else's fire arm and plenty of talk about hunting etc. the way the world should be. We gotta stop talking it up Woody! Every bastard will start using it!��
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  2. #17
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willie View Post
    lets be honest it aint bloody rocket science
    Well ballistics kind of is And stop being a tight arse.
    mikee, Dr. Watson, Shamus and 2 others like this.

  3. #18
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    Well ballistics kind of is And stop being a tight arse.
    What and destroy everyone's perceptions of a Scotsman, hell no.
    Oh and aye well done, light touch paper and run, yup that's ballistics for ye
    Gibo likes this.
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.

  4. #19
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    I for one won't waste my time going back there, I had three trips while a member of Rotorua where I turned up on keyholder days (nothing advertised as booked) but found that the range was in use and closed by the organisations using it. Long way to go for F-all. Was too much of a piss off if it couldn't be advertised that it was being used in the monthly newsletter. The outfits using it needed range time, no issues there but if I knew in advance I wouldn't have gone over...

    At least with TECT park you know when it's booked...

    The only thing I find with TECT park is the bloody 7000joule energy limit. Sucks having to be careful, I need to get hold of a rangefinder to confirm the muzzle velocities...
    It must be horses for courses i guess. I've never had an issue with getting on to Rotorua, the guys that were there on Saturday from CNIGC were bloody good buggers and let me sight in even though they had booked it and it was advertised. Even said if i had .223 i could have had a shot! Also much cheapness and so the Scotsman is happy
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.

  5. #20
    Rob von tempsky fan's Avatar
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    The range fees at tect would be reasonable if it wasn't so far away from tauranga !!
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  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by von tempsky fan View Post
    The range fees at tect would be reasonable if it wasn't so far away from tauranga !!
    It's all down hill on the way home though
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willie View Post
    It must be horses for courses i guess. I've never had an issue with getting on to Rotorua, the guys that were there on Saturday from CNIGC were bloody good buggers and let me sight in even though they had booked it and it was advertised. Even said if i had .223 i could have had a shot! Also much cheapness and so the Scotsman is happy
    You might have to set up your own range if you get involved with those 'good buggers'. Those guys got their old club kicked off of the awakeri range for abusing the facility and pissing off the neighbours and the landowner. Then tried to overthrow the club exectutive and failed. Ha ha ha. Shit stirrers were booted out of the club and a few others followed them to form CNIGC. Rotorua must have got sucked in as no one else is keen for them to shoot on their ranges after the bullshit hassles they caused for BOP service rifle club.

    Actually, reading through your posts almost looks like you are just having a whinge against the NZDA TECT range. The info you originally asked about would be available on the clubs website, or from the clubs committee, so why post general info questions about it on here, and then start slagging it it off?? Go and set up your own club or range then if that is the sort of crap you are into. Whinging-Willies-Wifle-Wange could be an appropriate name...... Fkn lol.....
    mikee likes this.

  8. #23
    Rob von tempsky fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    Less than 20mins for me. Where the hell are you living in Tauranga, outer Omokoroa?
    you must live in pyes pa mate, I live 20km up omanawa rd. lucky I don't need to use tech park as I have 1200ha to play on.

  9. #24
    res is offline
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    It's funny how the two sides of that story differ so much
    Using Tapatalk

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaimai Views View Post
    You might have to set up your own range if you get involved with those 'good buggers'. Those guys got their old club kicked off of the awakeri range for abusing the facility and pissing off the neighbours and the landowner. Then tried to overthrow the club exectutive and failed. Ha ha ha. Shit stirrers were booted out of the club and a few others followed them to form CNIGC. Rotorua must have got sucked in as no one else is keen for them to shoot on their ranges after the bullshit hassles they caused for BOP service rifle club.

    Actually, reading through your posts almost looks like you are just having a whinge against the NZDA TECT range. The info you originally asked about would be available on the clubs website, or from the clubs committee, so why post general info questions about it on here, and then start slagging it it off?? Go and set up your own club or range then if that is the sort of crap you are into. Whinging-Willies-Wifle-Wange could be an appropriate name...... Fkn lol.....

    Wow Kaimai, seems like you have a chip on your shoulder.

    Yes there have been a lot of rumors spread around by the remains of BOPSRA to try and discredit us - its seems like you're one of them helping to do that.

    And while this thread is about the TECT park and I don't wish to derail it, I also would like to defend our club.

    1. BOPSRA was kicked of Awakeri range, after the president had a heated argument with the lease holder of the land over dust caused by him driving to fast on the dirt track. That is a fact and we have a letter from the lease holder to prove it. Nothing was "abused".
    2. While a large proportion of the club disagreed with the path taken by the current president it was considered that we could look to replace him via the democratic process.
    This was decided against due to the drama existing in the club and we wished to pursue our sports (service rifle, pistol shooting and BBQing/meat eating) without it.
    3. We weren't booted out of the club, a lot of our members held committee positions(funnily some are still members). We had chosen to leave long before the voting took place and had received out membership refunds long before that.
    4. We have several ranges we have access to including Rotorua and Tauranga Pistol club. Funny how the people who would run the BOPSRA shoots before we left obviously cause "bullshit hassles".

    I always thought the 2 clubs would get along but after having member of BOPSRA straight up spreading lies to Arms officers, BOPDSA among others just shows the exact reason why we left.

    Its over, we are gone, stop acting like a psycho ex-girlfriend try to get our firearms licenses taken off us. We are a happier without you and i'm back enjoying shooting again.

    Fletch, CNIGC Treasurer
    Last edited by FletchNZ; 23-01-2015 at 02:57 PM. Reason: you're and formatting

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaimai Views View Post
    You might have to set up your own range if you get involved with those 'good buggers'. Those guys got their old club kicked off of the awakeri range for abusing the facility and pissing off the neighbours and the landowner. Then tried to overthrow the club exectutive and failed. Ha ha ha. Shit stirrers were booted out of the club and a few others followed them to form CNIGC. Rotorua must have got sucked in as no one else is keen for them to shoot on their ranges after the bullshit hassles they caused for BOP service rifle club.

    Actually, reading through your posts almost looks like you are just having a whinge against the NZDA TECT range. The info you originally asked about would be available on the clubs website, or from the clubs committee, so why post general info questions about it on here, and then start slagging it it off?? Go and set up your own club or range then if that is the sort of crap you are into. Whinging-Willies-Wifle-Wange could be an appropriate name...... Fkn lol.....
    Hi Kaimai Views!
    my Name is Warren Fitzsimmons, I am the President of CNIGC.
    Fletch pretty much nailed the reply that I was going to give, but i would like to add a few points.
    1. I was a member at Awakeri Shooting Federation, one of the main reasons BOPSRA was asked to leave was noise... 20-30 guys shooting semi autos all day does make a racket, and the farm that ASF is on is actually being split up and sold. the Pistol club is actually closing also. nothing to do with any "members" or stuff that was alleged to have happened. Bopsra was asked to leave months and months prior to its members being told... I know because I was on the committee and Syd told me...
    2. we were not kicked out... we made a conscious decision to leave and start a club that wanted to grow Service Rifle shooting... elements among the older members at BOPSRA wanted to keep it a closed "old boys club"... we intend to grow SR shooting... at the end of the day BOPSRA has a stack of cash in their bank account... and to some of the older members it was all about the money, and not wanting to lose control of it... we left... we choose to make our own club with democratic values... BOPSRA is anything but. we have more X BOPSRA committee members at CNIGC than members that shoot at BOPSRA now!!!
    3. Everyone reading this now is welcome to come and shoot with us anytime... we want to grow SR shooting... believe what you actually see... not lies and rumors spread by some rejected grumpy old men... Please email me me for times and dates of when we are shooting.

    Kind Regards
    Warren Fitzsimmons
    President CNIGC
    AzumitH and m39 like this.

  12. #27
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    Wow Kaimai views!
    It sure looks like you believe the lies you have been fed.
    Thanks for posting that rubbish up on a public forum. It really helps both clubs.
    Both clubs are full of good blokes who want to enjoy their sport. Your shit stirring on here does nothing to help our sport of service rifle shooting.
    How about next time you want to regurgitate a load of crap online, you sleep on it first?
    If you would like to join us for a fun day of shooting at the range, you could then post an informed opinion. All shooters who are looking for a good fun day out are welcome.
    Mike Jamieson
    G.K likes this.

  13. #28
    G.K is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaimai Views View Post
    You might have to set up your own range if you get involved with those 'good buggers'. Those guys got their old club kicked off of the awakeri range for abusing the facility and pissing off the neighbours and the landowner. Then tried to overthrow the club exectutive and failed. Ha ha ha. Shit stirrers were booted out of the club and a few others followed them to form CNIGC. Rotorua must have got sucked in as no one else is keen for them to shoot on their ranges after the bullshit hassles they caused for BOP service rifle club.

    Actually, reading through your posts almost looks like you are just having a whinge against the NZDA TECT range. The info you originally asked about would be available on the clubs website, or from the clubs committee, so why post general info questions about it on here, and then start slagging it it off?? Go and set up your own club or range then if that is the sort of crap you are into. Whinging-Willies-Wifle-Wange could be an appropriate name...... Fkn lol.....
    Beep, beep, beep back the truck up, that's not how any of it happened. I'm a member of Awakeri, BOPSRA and CNIGC and nothing that you said is true. We're you at any of the meetings over the happenings at Awakeri? Is what you've said factual or just hearsay? Mate to slay people's reputations on a open forum isn't right. How dose that saying go? Assumption is the mother of all F%#KUP'S.

  14. #29
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaimai Views View Post
    You might have to set up your own range if you get involved with those 'good buggers'. Those guys got their old club kicked off of the awakeri range for abusing the facility and pissing off the neighbours and the landowner. Then tried to overthrow the club exectutive and failed. Ha ha ha. Shit stirrers were booted out of the club and a few others followed them to form CNIGC. Rotorua must have got sucked in as no one else is keen for them to shoot on their ranges after the bullshit hassles they caused for BOP service rifle club.

    Actually, reading through your posts almost looks like you are just having a whinge against the NZDA TECT range. The info you originally asked about would be available on the clubs website, or from the clubs committee, so why post general info questions about it on here, and then start slagging it it off?? Go and set up your own club or range then if that is the sort of crap you are into. Whinging-Willies-Wifle-Wange could be an appropriate name...... Fkn lol.....
    Hey mods sort this shit out!
    Hey Kaimai Views i don't know what the fuck you are on about but that's just an arsehole reply to anything. I stated my views about the cost and that was MY view, in a public forum that's allowed! I never had a crack at anyone so i suggest you pull your head in, arse!
    von tempsky fan, m39, G.K and 1 others like this.
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.

  15. #30
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Kaimai Views;332772]You might have to set up your own range if you get involved with those 'good buggers'. Those guys got their old club kicked off of the awakeri range for abusing the facility and pissing off the neighbours and the landowner. Then tried to overthrow the club exectutive and failed. Ha ha ha. Shit stirrers were booted out of the club and a few others followed them to form CNIGC. Rotorua must have got sucked in as no one else is keen for them to shoot on their ranges after the bullshit hassles they caused for BOP service rifle club.

    Actually, reading through your posts almost looks like you are just having a whinge against the NZDA TECT range. The info you originally asked about would be available on the clubs website, or from the clubs committee, so why post general info questions about it on here, and then start slagging it it off
    No the info is not on the TECT page! Checked the site, called the number and read the info. Couldn't get a straight answer from the phone number so tried here. I asked about the place, i got an answer, and based on that decided it wasn't for me and gave my reasons. No one slagged it off. You for one seem to be trying to claim the arsehole of the day, i just think you managed that, well done.

    This is also the reason that perfectly good forums lose people simply because of your shit replies. Kinda ruins this place having to read through that crap and feel like i have to justify myself.
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.



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