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Thread: Thanks CZ , 4 out of 4 days

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Thanks CZ , 4 out of 4 days

    I work a 4 & 4 pattern , and I try to get out shooting on at least 1 of my days OFF , not always easy with a young family etc , and until recently , 3 days out of 4 was my best .

    Last days OFF ,

    1 ) CZ527 22 Hornet , on farm
    2 ) CZ527 22 Hornet on farm
    3 ) CZ75 9mm at Pistol Club
    4 ) CZ527 22 Hornet on farm

    So finally a 4 out of 4 , and loving IT , thanks CZ .

  2. #2
    how does the hornet go its one of my favourite calibers ive got 2 and handload for them

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Very well , BUT you have to , 1 ) Want a Hornet rifle & 2 ) Be very particular as to its loading , as it can be very fusy .

    In truth a 222 or 223 can do what the Hornet does & more .

    I got mine to be a rifle that can be shot on a dairy farm , with out scaring the cows etc .

    Mine is suppressed & uses a MAE 22mag can , barrel chopped down from 22 to 20 inches , and my MAE is threaded for the popular 223/M16 thread rather than the std rimfire thread , this will allow me to use a 223 can IF I ever want to .

    RE rifles , in 22 Hornet , my research said stay away from rear locking actions , & in short go to the CZ , 1 ) front locking lugs , 2 ) CZs seem to have very true chambers to bore in the 22 Hornet .

    In short IF you want a accurate hornet , get a CZ , end of story .

    RE : Ammo , I reload , using 40gr Vmax , on top of Lilgun powder & use a CCI small pistol primer , and use a Lee crimp die to put a very lite crimp on the case mouth .

    All the above is designed to give the most accurate and hard hitting Hornet you can get .

    Later Chris

  4. #4
    Sounds a good set up I'm using lilgun 35gn vmax and federal primers iv got a h&r handi and a krico both extremely accurate rifles got a 222 as well but always come back to the hornet

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Are you using pistol primers ? , thats a old trick to get better accuracy from the fusy Hornet .

    The 40gr vmax is twice as slippery / BC , has a boat tail and is much longer than the 35gr vmax , BUT it does not fit the magazine , I single load them at the present , I need to doctor the mag .

    I get 3000 fps from my Lilgun load , and Im happy with that , the Magpies are NOT .

    Scope is a dial up Bushy 3-12x44mm LRHS & I love the scope , however it does look a bit BIG for the little CZ rifle , but the glass is very good .

  6. #6
    No I use rifle primers I knew a guy who used pistol primers in one and lost an eye when one ruptered apparently they are softer than rifle primers and I like my eyes I've tried lots of different projectiles and the 35s go the best in my 2 just got a 3x9 article fox that the h&r came with I'd never heard of them but its been a great scope the krico has a Nikko 4x12 on it haven't chronyed the loads I've shot magpies and goats no problem it was a neat thing to try and get an accurate load for a real challenge

  7. #7
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    With my ZKW I recently changed to Fed and Fiocchi small pistol primers and my groups are now very pleasing - at the range yesterday and 5 shot groups of 0.486" and 0.679" whereas I struggled to get under an inch b4. 3 shot groups easily of high 0.4s and less - into the realm of my 527 223.
    R-P factory hollow point shoots >1.5" and WW not much better. On the possibility of a pierced primer I always wear shooting glasses now. I had no success with Lil'Gun - velocity better than other powders but only average accuracy and high ES. Tried a lot of different projectiles, had a few types (even the lighter ones) key holing or completely missing the target at 100yds. Finally settled on VVN110 powder, Rem-UNC cases and 35gr V-Max which being flat base will always out shoot boat tails at shorter ranges. Hornet is a fun gun once its little idiosyncrasies are overcome. If I need more legs I grab the 223 but its not as much fun.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I use CCI small pistol primers , and have reloaded hundreds of rounds with no issue at all , I do a very lite crimp on the case mouth with Lee crimpe dies , and basically all I do is what a knowledge shooter in the US does , he shoots a ton of reloaded ammo thru his CZ 527 Hornet , and I am happy to use that hard won experince .
    I have never had a bad CCI , Win primer , BUT have had very bad Fed small rifle primers , & Russian large rifle primers .
    Off the top of my head the std 35gr vmax is 0.1 & the 40gr vmax is 0.2 , so twice as streamlined , and when shooting at long range with the Hornet , I will take that avantage IF I can .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Here's a pic of todays target .

  10. #10
    Name:  P1040337.jpg
Views: 395
Size:  811.0 KBName:  P1040862.jpg
Views: 471
Size:  1.04 MBthe top one I the h&r sb2 and bottom is the krico

  11. #11
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    K Rico looks v nice.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    What loads are you using ?

  13. #13
    35gn vmax and lil gun fed primers neck size the first 6mm only and no crimp works well in my 2 hoping to get another one as well

  14. #14
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    35gn vmax and lil gun fed primers neck size the first 6mm only and no crimp works well in my 2 hoping to get another one as well
    Yep, same projectiles and same neck sizing routine. Have backed the die out to just size enough of the neck and that's all. Using a home made "M" die to flare the neck slightly to start the flat base 35gr VMaxes. They are little gems methinks!

  15. #15
    They are good little pills dropped that goat on the spot and spreads magpie's about 1.5m down the paddock and both those rifles will shoot under moa all day long took a lot of experimenting to find out what they shot with tho



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