lets say a deer is standing looking at you side on about 30 meters away common bush hunting scenario instead of coming up onto the deer I have taught myself to place rifle onto shoulder initially start getting scope lined up above deer and bring cross hairs down onto center of shoulder squeeze off - the alternative is to try and center on deer first - I have found that involves quite a bit of wobbling around to get everything centered- by using one smooth motion of coming down onto the shoulder it seems to stop a lot of the wobbles- in practice for our DOC shoot we used to have of the 20 shots 10 were standing - one 5 shot string was standing without a sling and some time to take the 5 shots so I practiced by coming down onto the target in small stages slowly getting breathing right as I did so - the last 5 shot string was to be fired quickly so I practiced just coming down and when the crosshair passed the bull squeeze off - and yes I did eventually get my name on the historic shield and even won a swazi thar coat great day only took me about 6 years - sadly shoot no longer held - I believe the shield now resides with the Deer Cullers assoc I do get what Carlhurley is saying and it makes sense but me bit late to change now - either way by moving down or sideways it takes out the wobbles -as you move your trigger control starts as does breathing -to try and hold on a target standing without wobbling around takes olympic skill or the help of a sling or both - practise air rifles are great and cheap to run - but you cant beat at least some of that practice is with the rifle you are hunting with even if it is dry firing