If you have shot with an M77 Ruger .308, what are your suggestions for FACTORY ammo for this bang stick? Interested in medium range accuracy and hunting, so nothing weird please.
If you have shot with an M77 Ruger .308, what are your suggestions for FACTORY ammo for this bang stick? Interested in medium range accuracy and hunting, so nothing weird please.
Have had good success out of Federal blue box and Hornady Whitetail. Both 150grn projectiles. Found to have the same point of impact at 100m in two different rifles as well.
Both group about 0.75-1" in a Kimber Hunter, and 1-1.25" in a Savage Lightweight, both 16" barrels.
I reload now but have a stack of both so still run the savage on factory. Normal shots for my .308s are less than 200m.
The Hornady interlock projectiles are a bit softer than the federal projectiles it seems but both kill well.
I got the 44 version and I just wanted to say any of the 77 series trigger parts from timney are cheep and make an awesome trigger
took me forever to not find the info and I eventually just took a punt and it was perfect
the kit was for a 77/17 from memory
Cheers for the tips.
Looks like I have some expensive range days coming my way.
iv got a 16" 7mm08 ruger m77 and having good results with factory 150gr Eldx shot 6 deer with 6 shots in the weekend all clean kills 20yd-400yd
Isn’t there a trick with not tightening the front trigger guard screw ?
So you don’t bend the stock/action
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Off into the scrub for a long wet weekend but just had to add my tuppence worth before I shoot the gap. I've had a Mk1 since the early 80's. Courtesy of grizzly ol' bugger on this forum. Sold it once, regretted it and quickly bought it back. To be fair it has been bedded. Has always been my go to. I agree about the skeleton butt jobs, ugly as. The Mk1's, though are bloody great. Fully adjustable trigger and the integral mounts are brilliant. Mk 11's, in my opinion, still good but not so great. Not sure what period of time they turned to shit, but certainly mine's out of that time frame. Have another Mk1 in, .308 this time, on it's way. My son has a L/H hawkeye in .270 and that shoots Fed blue box in 130 and 150 under moa. As for screw tension; MD's correct. I use a Victorinox Climber pocket knife, that way can't over tighten. Agricultural, yes, but it works @arekaywhy I'll let you know how the .308 goes when it arrives. Wife's here, so shooting the gap now.
Any 150 grain factory ammo will be fine.
Always used federal blue box 150g in mine.
"Tips for Ruger M77"... Haha, I opened this thread and was about to post my top tip - but saw there was more to the question...
My top tip was "Sell it....", these things went through a period that no one talks about where the quality was equal to Remington at their worst. The one I got handed had a gap between the barrel and the receiver shoulder, the recoil lug had a casting flaw amongst other issues - it was ugly. Got it to shoot acceptably enough but it was definitely made to be used and not admired that's for sure.
Horrid skeleton boat paddle stock version, whatever that was. Seriously the thing was OK where it mattered and performed fine, but in appearance it had the face only a mother could love (and a wag would say a blind mother at that).
The forum reference on these is @Double Shot, if I recall correctly, and if he is still on here.
Still here @Puffin, still run all my M77's, love to bits...
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