I know that's why they're cracking down on it. I just stated that first hand. I'm just unfuriated at the absence of options for those who do not wish to hunt and want to sharpen up on their marksmanship. If you don't know a farmer with land nearby, there's no where else to shoot past 100 metres (e.g away from a club range)
It's ashame really with all the open space of the vast Canterbury region and they kick up a stink on a small area. It's pathetic. I hope now they could at least edit their permits to include a no go on deliberate target shooting in the area. It's pretty cloudy and not all that clear on the 'yay' or 'nays' In fact, if you go further inland I doubt you'd get any more hassle if anyone still did it. It's the hikers and fires from tracer they're most worried about which is fair I guess, not so much the unlawfulness of shooting targets which by the way isn't any more dangerous than shooting animals. Saying it's not listed on a permit isn't really good enough for saying it's wrong because to my knowledge, there is no mention at all. It's a grey area.
I still believe the situation is handled very poorly in not offering a just solution to the hundreds of responsible shooters that attend and enjoy the outdoors there.
It is what it is at the end of the day.