My mate has a .22 semi auto he inherited and has no mag.
Just wondering if some one can identify it to see if I can get a magazine for it.
Cheers Andy
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My mate has a .22 semi auto he inherited and has no mag.
Just wondering if some one can identify it to see if I can get a magazine for it.
Cheers Andy
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Looks like a Winchester model 64 semiauto. Few of them around still - and may take a mag that also fits other models.
It may also be a Cooey (from Canada). The model 64 was designed by Cooey, but Olin Winchester bought Cooey in I think the 60s and brought this model out under their name. Not entirely sure what happened next but Lakefield (another Canadian co) may have then bought the Cooey name/product line, and Lakefield of course was subsequently bought by Savage. Which is why this also looks alot like a Savage 64 semi. Like a bloody soap opera....
Serial should tell alot... as should any other markings. Where is old Muzza when you need him - he was very good with American rimfires?
Last edited by mudgripz; 15-10-2023 at 08:33 PM.
It will be stamped on the barrel in front of the scope bell. Get a stainless , non-soaped pot scourer from the supermarket and some CRC and clean the rust off . Then you be able to see make and model.
I will do some research on that thanks mudgripz
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Cooey Model 64 - Winchester bought the Cooey company in Canada and continued to make the rifles , rebranded as Winchesters . Then sold to Savage so the rifle could be branded a Lakefield ( made by Savage ) as well
What to do about a mag then?
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Yep cooey was my first thought, but I'm no expert.
The only Government to trust: .45-70
Im pretty confident its a Cooey 64 or derivative.If so - this is the magazine you need . Its model specific so you wont find one from some other model to adapt. Sorry about the crap photos - not very good light in my storage vessel at night . JW 15 mag for comparison.
Yep - looks 99% like a Cooey/Winchester. Confirming this is sold as Cooey/winchester 64 mag - as in sportco's pic:
But mag changed in later Lakefield/Savage 64 derivatives:
Andy - I think you'd have to get lucky to find one. Riflemags.UK has Savage 64 spares, not the Cooey/Win.
yes - locating an original wont be easy. Mine is not for sale , sorry
steel wool an auto transmission fluid, then as soon as its clean, wash it off well with hot soapy water then clean water then meths.
then do a cold blue job
mags are going to be an issue
Hmmmm, might wait for another buy back and get a whole lot of money for a rifle that's no good to me!
Thanks heaps for your knowledge guys!
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