Hi guys,
I have done a lot of pistol and rifle shooting overseas, however it has been unlicensed-just at ranges with a licensed operator. I shot once a week and really enjoyed it.
Since returning to NZ Ive really missed it and would like to take it up again, However I am not sure how to go about it. I have done a lot of research but I don't quite understand if the guns I want to buy are allowed.
I would like to target shoot with military rifles at an approved range. Does this happen? I am based in Tauranga and cannot find anything except a pistol club or clay bird ranges...
The weapons I am interested in purchasing and using are the m1 bolt action springfield rifles, K98 rifles (the two I would like to purchase) - I cant find if they are legal or not :/
I know ill have to initially get a gun safe, and then sit my firearms license test which is fine....
Then I guess ill be able to purchase a gun - are the ones im interested in...ww2 style rifles readily available? allowed in NZ? Where would I look? Ive searched and searched and am now wondering if they are either not allowed or hard to come by...
Then ill hunt down a range / club to join and look at getting my pistol endorsement at a later date.
Does this sound ok?? Any advice really appreciated as I am struggling to find information and although I have a few friends who hunt no one really knows haha....