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Thread: Yet another import question

  1. #1
    Member nzfubz's Avatar
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    Yet another import question

    I have managed to score a trip to the states for work and was wondering if anyone has had experience on bringing stuff back in luggage? Not to concerned about this end as for E and B stuff I will have permits sorted. Its more about the states side and what I need to be aware of, for example does the $100USD limit still count? Should I un-box everything to make it look second hand? And should as I have been told dispose of the receipts etc before leaving?

    Cheers in advance.

  2. #2
    Member jim160's Avatar
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    make sure that the stuff you bring back isn't a restricted item that needs a federal or state department licence to export.
    David Tipple tried to take out gun parts without export permits and got pinged. Spent a few years in a Federal Prison and then deported I think.

    Just something to think of. I think value will be a factor as well. Be worth while checking the export rules with their customs or state department. Their sites should be able to answer some questions.
    nzfubz likes this.

  3. #3
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    I brought back some reloading case gauges and gun bags picked up from Bass Pro no probs in 2013.

  4. #4
    P38 is offline
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    Also be aware of State laws as well as the Federal laws and remember your an Alien and don't have the same rights as a Citizen.

    For example in a recent trip to Las Vegas (Nevada) I could easily purchase 30 round AR15 magazines for less then US$20 each.

    However if I had taken them with me to Los Angeles (California) I would be in violation of both a State law and also a Federal Law as I now have in my possession Illegal firearm parts ie magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds (State Law Violation) and I have transported said items across the state line (Federal law Violation).

    This could easily see you become Bubba's Bitchs Bitch in a Federal Prison for a very long time.

    Most of the stuff I wanted to buy in Las Vegas they would not sell me because of the ITAR Rules, including Firearm parts, unprimed cases and some models of scopes.

    Do your Homework as the US Authorities take this very seriously.

    jim160 likes this.

  5. #5
    Member nzfubz's Avatar
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    Vegas is where I'm off to so cheers for the info

  6. #6
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by nzfubz View Post
    Vegas is where I'm off to so cheers for the info
    Nevada has some of the most relaxed Firearms laws in the US

    California has some of the most restrictive.

    You'll cry once you see what you can buy out of their shops and at how little they retail for.

    Good Luck.




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