2 Attachment(s)
The Zeropak 30-06, and am I reading this correct?
Well I bought the ole 30-06 off @zeropak when it hung on this site a tad too long. He kindly dropped it off in Hamilton where I collected it and immediately took it to DPT to be threaded and have an extra baffle and the DPT muzzlebrake fitted to my existing 30cal Can. Some reloads came with the rifle and generously some brass. DPT turned it around right quick so off to a local Paddock with a 100m setup and 3 shots bang on. Zeropak couldn't tell me what the reloads were, had been a while, but clearly he had them right.
Anyway, fast forward and a couple of mths later I finally get a batch of brass prepped. I know the 06 loves 180gn but I happen to have a few 150 30cals in hand so that's what I loaded. Contemplating powders, a young mate was around.last night sorting some reloading and was asking about some Nobel Rifle 0 powder he had. Out came the data book, sorted his question and lo, Rifle 0 goes with a bunch of cals including 06. Their recommended load was 55gn under a 150gn jacketed SP looking for 2745fps. My barrel is now a tad over 23in after threading so should be close I reckoned. Max load of 60gn was noted to be 2995fps. I'm a meat hunter and I reckon if the group was good, 2700fps would be ample.
Off we go and set up at 200m. Most of my range work has been at 50 and 100m for sighting in. I'm learning how different things can be at 200 and 300 and how bloody different when the wind gods come out to play. Anyway...
With 13 reloads I started with some factory to make sure I could hit paper. Got a 6in spread about 4 in low, and they were 180s so left the setting alone and switched to reloads. A good group of 2 close and one wide (a frequent pattern for me), but now 4 inches high.
Took me a but of faffing around but finished up with the last 4 shots per pic. Pretty happy with that group. A windage adjustment is in order and elevation a tad but hey...
I found a MOA calculator on line. I fed the distance centre to centre of widest impacts and the distance in yards, cause were all Americans right?
So kind of knocked me out that it comes up with 0.0469 MOA. I did something wrong there eh? Correct me please...
Pics...with a big thanks to @zeropak :) :)
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Attachment 268921