I’ve been on the forum a few weeks but not formally introduced my self. I call Christchurch home but currently consulting in China , South Korea and Saudi.
I’ve had the privilege to live in Switzerland, South Africa, Australia, Canada and China. Also held Firearms licenses in Canada, Australia and of course NZ.
A long time (50 years) hunter throughout NZ and taken the opportunity when living abroad to hunt and fish with locals.
Keen collector of fine rifles with a keen addiction to Walnut and Blued steel.
I’ve always considered my hunting and gun collecting a private thing but more than ever we as a collective need to be seen as a strong professional voice of legitimate kiwis going about a sport that is part of our well entrenched heritage.
So many in Government and influence look to ‘other’ countries to replicate there actions and laws in our country. I say we can consider what’s right for us and develop policies which fit the values we hold strong.
Great to be part of a like minded group.