Hi all,
i will be spending 4 weeks in NZ from half november 2018 to half december 2018 and interested in the NZ shooting scene.
I am an avid target shooter in Hunter Field Target, which uses airguns (mainly pre-charged pneumatics) with scopes out to 42m, and also 100m airgun competition. I have some experience hunting small game with airguns. So i know about shooting technique, scopes, mildots, trajectory, windage, ballistics, etc.. My fire arm experience though is limited. Lots of rules and regulations and no space in The Netherlands! Shot some 22lr carbines and .30 M1 Carbine at the range, but no experience in hunting with firearms.
I hope to discover some opportunities here for getting to know the NZ shooting and hunting scene during my stay.
Grtx from the other side of the globe.