Seen that on Facebook weren’t they not English? Anyway not a pikey live in a house. But I do have some good deals on carpets and power tools if your interested 😉
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Welcome Jonas
I mate of mine was spearing kingies in NZ he said there a good fighting fish and they get big. If your looking for a dive partner would love to get up and check out some diving with you. Do you usually dive solo or buddy? And if buddy you both do your own thing or one up one down?
They do get big and they fight hard and dirty. The ones in the photo are 30 and 37kg respectively. The record is 50kg!
Best practice is always dive with a buddy in a 1 up 1 down arrangement. This works for the majority of situations in nz, the main exception is hunting snapper which can be found in shallow and require stealth and cunning to hunt effectively. the one in the photo is a good representative trophy around the 10kg mark.
My wife and I dive most weekends over the summer months and when the weather and time allows year round. Hit me up closer to the time and we'll see if we can't get you out and into some fish. Best time of year for diving is usually March as the water is warm and the weather is usually fairly settled. Spawning is done for most species and the mad pressure of December and January has abated (every man and his dog takes to the water over the Christmas break which can have an impact on numbers and behavior). Come April the water starts to cool down and my focus shifts to the red roar, then sika.
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Fine fish there nothing beats pelagics on the end of a spear... well maybe a big stag at the of the barrel.
Yeah for sure thanks for hooking me up if you ever find yourself in Thailand/Cambodia/Indonesia hit me up I’ve done a lot around these parts and might have some good spots.
Is that a Rob Allen double roller I see in the picture? If so I’m impressed. In the middle of upgrading my 110 RA roller to a mvd double roller head and mvd inverted trigger. It’ll be my under water bazooka.
Welcome to the forum, sounds like you will fit right in.