does any one no how i can get a permit to go possum trapping on DOC land?:confident:
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does any one no how i can get a permit to go possum trapping on DOC land?:confident:
Nope, welcome to the forum tho.
Have you spoken to DOC ? :wtfsmilie:
They are like the Regional Councils which are now eco-nazis pulling out native plantings along the rivers.If there ever was a creature that is FITH it is a DOC worker.
yeah. Go to your nearest DOC office and ask for one, Pretty basic really
Let me google that for you
Fuck me ! Any other groups you want to tar with the same brush while you are at it ? :P
Ha Ha very clever ebf
always worth hitting up farmers as well if you don't have any luck on doc land.
Welcome to the forum Wonder Trapper. Who is a clever wee vegemite ebf?
thanks anyway ;)
It will come with a few questions though
What type of traps are you using, do you know how to set a raised trap... you will find they have restrictions on traps I believe it size 1 victors and they may even have got to the point where they require the jaws to have rubber or plastic covers incase of bird capture.
I talked to DOC today. The main guy was away for a couple of days but they basically said tell us the area you want to trap, use #1 type traps (no mention of rubber), and set all traps at least 700mm above ground. The thing that I was amazed at though was that permit areas can overlap so multiple permits may be issued for the same area. The woman I spoke to suggested I go up there and have a look round to see if there are any other trappers around. I was planning on checking out the area I'm looking at in person but it is a few good days tramp in and even if I don't find anyone up there who is to say that is just because I didn't cross paths with them or they are waiting until colder weather. It all seemed a bit mickey mouse to me.
I'm in your area Stingray so you got any suggestions on good areas?