Just another FNG here. Checking in here after hanging around in the background for a while.
Normally don't have too much to say about anything and was never interested in politics but in the wake of last year's events, I found good reading and a useful source of info in the Firearm Law Changes section.
Did as much as I could with a couple of hefty donations to COLFO, written submissions, mails to all politicians concerned. Joined ACT and gave them a substantial donation too.
Lever actions take up a lot of space in the safe. 30-30 is just so easy to reload, particularly cast boolits. Then there's all kinds of rimfires, a 7x64, K31 milsurp and a couple of smoothbores.
Blued steel & walnut for the most part, the odd laminate and a single synthetic stock must be some kind of indication of my style. Well that and the Speight's Gold Medal Ale in the fridge. Not averse to a dram though if the boat's getting pushed out.
Been in the Bay of Plenty for 8 years since Mrs novembersierra declined to go back to Christchurch after the shakes. Opportunities to take the rifle for a walk have been intermittent due to work and family commitments but I like nothing more than getting out for a few nights under canvas or silnylon I suppose it should be now.
I'm on the wrong side of 60 but still got my hair, teeth and control of most bodily functions. The eyes are definitely not what they used to be but can still do OK at 300 metres with a peep sight.
The lockdown has been a good chance to catch up with some overdue chores. Been giving it laldy with the chainsaw and chipper. Just making the most of it before starting work again in a week's time.
So to wrap it up, by way of an introduction - here's a pic of my wood pile. Cheers, Nick.