Doesn't matter which way I hold the screen I just can't quite ...
never mind.
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Doesn't matter which way I hold the screen I just can't quite ...
never mind.
Yeah, 10 metre Running Target, but shoot 50m Running Boar too. Did the Oceanias a few times, and World Cup in Sydney 2000 which was the Olympic Test Event. Way :cool: to be shooting with guys that placed at recent Olympics: Ling Yang (double OG) Kurtzer (OG), Jakosits (OG), Janus, Sika, Wedman, etc. We had a few of them come here and shoot our Nationals that year, a fantastic experience. :thumbsup: They were a bit gob-smacked at our pretty basic setup though.Quote:
Haha, I think that Ardmore photo is a bit washed out, funning lighting in there! The Tommy was very nice to shoot, so smooth. I have some video of it. Also shot an M3 Greaser and an MP5. Should've done an MP40 instead of the MP5 and stayed with the WW2 era stuff. The M3 was rough but fun, chugga chugga. the Tommy and the MP5 just went BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.
The Ode makes for a serious tribute tatt, Dougie. Big ups.
I like it dougie or as borat would say - Tis nice! Sorry it took so long to reply, was busy staring at your........... artwork! :p bit painful was it? Looks great though. you happy with it?
I love this shit on my phone
Here are my two for my two eldest kids Joshua phoenix and myia rose.
Attachment 5456
Attachment 5457
I love this shit on my phone
Yeah I love it, obviously :D it started as just under my left bicep, I added to it over the years. I have done some pretty painful things in my life (including breaking my femur) and I can definately say that the lowest part of my moko was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.
And yeah I got my boobies taped up for those photos haha ;) artist is Nath Morrow of Absolution, Christchurch. He's done all of mine (five all up) from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Yusssssssssss this has turned into an ink post ;)
Most up to date photo of me, Today when it got to hot testing out side, moved in side and started shooting cans.
Attachment 5468
Just need some minarets around you with a heavy tan and beard, occasionally muttering "Allahu Akbar" each time you bowl over a can ;)