Hi. I have been reading and using the forum for some time and decided I had better sign up. Based in the northern end of Waikato, I am a dairy farmer, father to 3 young'ns and sometimes hunter. Not a snowflake. Now my eldest is nearing 5 I will be introducing him to paper punching and bunnies, even if he just watches he will be learning. I have no flash gear but the Norinco .22 is more accurate than I had hoped and I have a .303 that went practically unused until Tarrant happened so am getting familiar with that again, I used some milsurp CAC ammo on goats two weeks ago and it really seemed to come alive. I am slightly odd in that I am right handed but shoot left handed due to a weak eye. Consequently ducks are very safe from me during duckshooting, two good eyes being needed for depth perception. Have been attending the odd shooting event over the last 5 years (and even held some private ones on farm) and hoping to make the Central North Island Gun Club's "Lithgow Arms and Broncos Steel Plate Challenge" on the 1 FebKeen to see if I come away happy with my shooting.