Ohh Rushy, you call that a 'thumb'??????
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Sako75, I've never been to Melbourne...... isn't that where all the ballerina dropouts play some sort of aerial ping pong football game !? My Mum's from Victoria and is a rather keen Richmond supporter, in turn, I love giving her heaps. In contrast, I'd rather go bush any day.
I've long contemplated the 6.5x55 AI upgrade, particularly in light of the fact that the fire formed 'improved' cases allegedly require minimal neck stretching & trimming. Although the .243 Win B78 comfortably dispatches all my current prey species (feral cats, foxes, 'tagged' Eastern Grey roos, goats and pigs) I'm very much attracted to both the 6.5x55's moderate boost in overall performance and the option of loading up heavier projectiles that are potentially more suited to humanely culling large goats across wide scrubby gullies. For the latter, I currently use 6mm Sierra 100 Gr SBT's. In contrast, I'm likely to use 6.5mm pills like the Hornady 129 & 140 Gr SST's or Sierras such as the 130 Gr HPBT or 140 Gr SBT. In hindsight, the proposed upgrade's definitely 'overkill' for smaller game. Namely, 6.5mm 95 Gr Hornady V-Max compared to 6mm 75 & 87 Gr V-Max's. Note, the B78's my only centre fire rifle and such a slight calibre upgrade will arguably make it more of a 'jack of all trades' firearm for all of the mentioned game species. We'll see.
If it makes 4" we will call him Justin
Maca49, in response to "Trouble with this forum BB78 is quite a few speak a different language to Engrish, takes a while and works the brain ?"
It's a good thing that this forum's NOT back in my home country of Papua New Guinea where there are over 800 local languages in addition to many minor dialects. Imagine trying to effectively communicate with a neighbouring tribe over in the next valley !
As for working the brain, it's truly one piece of amazing 'equipment', as exemplified when you read the following:
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mess and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Pttery amzanig huh ?
BB78 with a quote like that you will fit like a hand in a glove!:thumbsup:
Maca49, I'll check with my daughter-in-law to see if the quote reflects any of the languages or dialects common to her original place of origin, namely, Dunedin !!
I think you must have been taking english lessons from @Neckshot with that quote :thumbsup: