Welcome to the forum @cally woo
We can't promise we won't give you shit but if your keen to learn you have come to the right place to get a heap of good advice.
Building bush confidence is something that takes time and the only way to learn is to get out there and just do it taking bigger steps each time you head out.
Number one priority is to learn how to read a map, and what all the contour lines mean, is the bush flat and easy going or steep and full of bluffs, where are the rivers, streams and ridges as these are often the easiest things to follow and are your key points of navigation. You can buy maps or download and print them from the NZTopomap site.
Get a compass and learn how to use it. Heaps of tutorials online but again the key is to get out and use it and put into practice.
You can download the nztopo50 app which is basically a GPS on your phone. Great app that will tell you exactly where you are but you still need to know how to read a map to use it.
Get a PLB, just having one I think will boost your confidence and could save you life if the worst does happen.
Best of luck to you and good on you for getting out there and giving it a go.