I just wanted to say hi.
I am looking for info on 22lr shots around Christchurch, I have also just got into reloading so am looking for all the information I can gather.
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I just wanted to say hi.
I am looking for info on 22lr shots around Christchurch, I have also just got into reloading so am looking for all the information I can gather.
Welcome aboard. You have definitely come to the right place.
what do you mean by "22lr shots" ?
the mini shogun shells ?
Sorry I meant shoots. Thanks for the warm welcome
Welcome and enjoy. Lot of info on here.
Welcome! If you aren't already a member at the NZ handloaders, talk to the committee on a Tuesday night public night. Most of them hang around the shotgun area. Guaranteed one of them will know about a 22 shoot.
Welcome aboard