Hello! Just another newbie!
Hey I’m doing the polite thing and introducing myself.
Have been around guns for years. Mainly shotguns and .22. When my ‘little red book licence’ ran out I never renewed ( as I’d sold my firearms ). The firearm I regret selling the most was a Winchester lever action .22 with a maple wood stock. That was a beautiful piece of art! Currently have a Ruger .22 with a silencer, and it’s perfect, and Turkish branded under/over shortened shotgun with a laser sight.
I have a deer farm north of Auckland. Mainly use firearms for pest control - rabbits, possums, magpies, feral cats, plus the odd euthanasia of an injured or very sick deer. Cyclone Gabrielle hit us bad and I needed to put down 10% of my deer herd that had panicked during the night and injured themselves, which I felt terrible about.
Really into native bird repopulation and so far have seen a huge increase of Ruru ( morepork ), Kererū ( bush pigeon ) and really excited to have a breeding pair of Australasian Bittern ( highly endangered maybe 300 left ) on our farm.
So a firearm has been absolutely necessary to assist native birds getting a foothold in the natural environment again.
Anyway, that’s me.