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Hello From Melbourne
Thought I had done this back when I first joined in 2012 but clearly didn't
Originally joined as was looking to get back into shooting/hunting as I hadn't been out since my time in the defense force. Moved to Australia in 2013 and have read the odd thread about deer hunting on here since then. I am a FAL holder in Australia and after the events on Friday reeducated myself on the current requirements for licensing in NZ.
Unlike my younger years I try and stay less active on Forums and much prefer face to face chats. But given recent events was hoping to share my view as a part of my way of processing.
I have a Tikka T3x in 30-06 which I purchased for Deer, ideally Sambar but the main property I hunt on has Fallow (about 300 of them) and they always seem to be in places that I can't safely shoot. That along with the kangaroos bounding around scaring them off makes for a lot of nature appreciation and no meat for the freezer
Between my friends property and his neighbors I have about 1500acres to stalk on, it also backs onto state forest so I am able to hunt there as well (as long as I have a permit)
Need to go further out for goats and pigs
I also have a Savage .22LR that I use for smaller pests, its done many rounds at the range target shooting and has been a great rifle to introduce my GF to safe firearms handling.
Managed to get two hares over New years eve that my large Malamute Cross enjoyed as after skinning and gutting them had been attacked by Ants. Could not convince my GF to let me bring them home like that so Meeko had a pretty good start to the new year.
Will probably not be able to contribute a lot but happy to discuss anything with an open mind and provide insight into how the Australian system works