Hey Everyone
Hey everyone
Been a silent observer of this site for a while but decided to take the plunge, create a profile and put myself out there so to speak.
I'm very much a new comer to the great outdoors. Parents weren't into it at all and then fear of the unknown and gear requirements etc saw me never take up the challenge of giving it a go until about 5 years ago. At age 45 I got some basic gear together and decided to try a walk around Lake Waikaremoana on a 5 day solo tramp and fishing trip. I was determined to only use the hut on Panekiri Bluff and tent the rest.
Took way too much gear (about 45kg from memory) but sensibly decided to walk the reverse way round so I would tackle the Panekire climb when my pack was lighter. 5 minutes into my walk I came across a huge fallen tree on the track. Struggled over it only to fall over the other side landing on my back, winded and stranded like a turtle with limbs in the air. Nearly gave up at that point but continued on and learned some great lessons the hard way eg don't need a change of clothes every day, don't take canned goods, don't take a month's supply of fuel for the cooker, don't take a bottle of Pinot Noir, don't be afraid to ask questions and eat humble pie. The other lesson's I learnt was to have fun and smile through the struggles. Every step taken is an opportunity to observe my new surroundings as my perspective altered with every step. I learnt that fitness is key to enjoying the walk but that getting in way over your head with hard graft and pushing yourself is key to feeling great. I loved being with nature, I loved the solitude but I also enjoyed walking with strangers, making new friends, sharing with them and learning from them.
This forum seems very much like that first experience - an opportunity to share experiences, learn from others, and as a newbie be prepared to eat humble pie and ask lots of questions.
I work in an office 4 days a week in Gissy, but am fortunate to able to cram a full week into those 4 days allowing me a 3 day weekend every week. My weekends off are spent at a small block we have at Tiniroto where I can play with a few beehives, get some two-stroke therapy with a chainsaw and spend time in the outdoors.
Bought my first bang stick only a year or so ago - entry level .308 but got my first Red with it in the roar this year on a five day trip with some mates from Hamilton. Learned a lot on that trip with a diet of humble pie and asking lots of questions.
Been shooting lots of rabbits, hares and possums with an el-cheapo .22 to improve my shooting skills, safety skills and it's fun eradicating pests off our property.
You will generally find me at the Tiniroto Tavern on a Friday night ready for a pint with the incredible community that reside there. Look me up if your ever up this way. Would love to share a yarn and pick ya brain.
Cheers, Steve
Great intro :thumbsup:
Welcome on board.
Nothing wrong with a bit of humble pie from time to time. Good on you for getting out there.
Nice to meet you guys. Thanks for creating such a beautiful introduction. Welcome to this great community.