Hi all,I joined up a while back but never did much with it due to a lack of computer skills and not quite figuring out the whole site works....still learning. I love everything hunting...from bow and short range bush stalking to long range and everything in between ...just getting into reloading and even knife making to take it to the next level.Looking forward to gathering more info off all of you...you are a wealth of knowledge......Ohh yeah just for giggles.....Filthman was a nickname given to me by my mates many years ago....from a time when I ate venison 5 to 6 times a week....every time I farted they would say "ohh that's filth man" and it stuck.
Gday and welcome "Ya filthy animal"
welcome to the forum, not a bad place to live if you love the outdoors
Originally Posted by
Welcome filth.