Hi all,
Been directed here by a guy from NZ who joined the UK forum 'Stalking Directory'.
Long story short, I'm a jack of all trades, master of absolutely none.
Like to listen and learn, travelled extensively and above all want to get out of the UK.
Working in the Scottish Highlands at the moment. Done some deer work, some on a private estate, some government.
Unfortunately the situation here is not looking great, government and politics are FUBAR. For a young(-ish) bloke who just likes the country, shooting and hunting you basically can't tell anyone what you like to do and why.
Crazy sign of the times that vegans and enviroMENTALists want us to apologise, we do more for wildlife and conservation than any other group put together!
Want to move to NZ for work, may have a farm job lined up but need to get details sorted out. I'm hard working and straight talking and that seems to be the exact opposite of what you need to get work in the UK.
Studied philosophy&politics at Uni in Scotland (another life haha!),then had the stupid idea of wanting to join the army as an officer but thank god they turned me back at the last hurdle (a combination of being too honest & working class I think!). Got a start at a private estate doing deer work and kept going since.
Have a few questions to ask further down the line.