Welcome here you lucky bastard. The Highlands have been calling me for years, one day I will get there.
Welcome here you lucky bastard. The Highlands have been calling me for years, one day I will get there.
Cheers, hope you have deep pockets or good connections if you want to come stalking here. If there is a good bit of ground you can bet its already been spoken for. Island that I am on in the Western Isles is government owned but someone has the sporting rights for stags and billys. He charges £600 a stag and £750 per billy. Would never pay that kind of money.
On the other hand, the Scottish government is treating red deer like it is a non-native vermin. Thinly disguised way for the socialist government to get back at hunters, who they presume are all aristocrats. In the meantime the cullers are having a great time getting paid £100 per deer they bring in but the well will run dry very soon. They are even considering legalising night vision and thermal rifle scopes for shooting deer at night.