Hi everyone
Hi everyone, my name is Aubrey. I am new to this forum and would like to introduce myself.
I am originally from South Africa where I love to go on hunting trips with friends and family. My reason for joining this forum is to meet likeminded people and I would also like to get back into hunting here in New Zealand.
Welcome Aubrey, You'll find a great bunch of people on here and a hell of a lot of knowledge.
Thanks No good names left, any shared knowledge will always be welcomed.
Welcome Aubrey,bet youv faced some big game back home.Your pretty safe out here.
Hi Trout, thanks. I haven't been able to hunt big game they are a bit expensive, but more the common ones like: Black Wildebeest, Springbuck, Blesbuck, Oryx, Red Hartebeest, Kudu and Warthog. Cheers
Welcome to the club Aubrey, they're good folks on here
Thanks veryfuturistic :thumbsup: