Hi Team
Well, after this site coming up so often on searches it is definitely time I signed up.
Seems a lot of good bastard here with plenty of generously given expert advice - thanks!
I'm a 62 year old living in Waihi, and not really hunting regularly but still bang a few bunnies and have done a fair bit of game bird hunting in my youth and a little wandering the bush hoping a really dumb deer will come calling for wee lead entree. The Old Man was a serious game bird hunter, gun dog trainer and occasional trialist and Tokoroa was a great place for ducks and especially hunting quail and pheasants with dogs which was his real passion. We shot a lot with expert trainer and setter trialist the late Dr Leon Mortenson and we were lucky that when Leon had won most NZ Championships he'd give the dog to us but occasionally bring a bitch on heat to extend the bloodline from setters he had imported from England.
I really should get off my arse and do more regular shooting or at least join a gun club and shoot there.
But I am always interested in reading what you lot are up to, so thanks for the great information and entertainment.
JasonEdward aka Mark
Welcome to the forum Mark
Welcome Mark
You may know my late uncle Jock, he lived in Waihi for some time.