Found the forum on google when researching for my NZ trip. :thumbsup:
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Found the forum on google when researching for my NZ trip. :thumbsup:
Mate told me about it
Found it while searching for info on import permits for my firearms in the old country. Didn't see it in many, many earlier Google searches, I would think the Google algorithm performs some sort of censure...
Its what you do on a rainy day, surf the web in order to learn something. The gems always come up after a while, this was one of them!
Best forum name I've seen in a while
Searching for knife sharpeners, a thread popped up, had a look, seems worth the effort
used to be in the other one but one day it wouldn't let me log in or create a new profile so went looking for another nz bunch of people to interact and gain/share knowledge and its fun stiring them all up :thumbsup:
Google search for RCBS press for sale presented me with a link for this forum.
A friend told me about it & joined after long time browsing
While looking for information/reviews on scopes and rifles
googling "Kimber rifles for sale nz"
so long ago i cant remember----been reading the forum for ever but have just got into gear an joined
You are looking for notes that talk about Fred Barker's candle method for case annneling
From another forum member
Hello All,
New to the Forum. I am a new grad from Penn Foster and thought I would thread my way through some forums in search of knowledge from all those that know more that I do. Currently doing an internship at 3H Tactical in Centerville (Dardanelle, Arkansas address) where I am really learning how to repair firearms. Hope to be able to offer things I have learned and pick up additional knowledge and ideas from those on this Forum.
Thanks, Novismith
I found this page whilst Googling for reviews on scopes, binos, and rangefinders.
Googling to try and figure out which rifle brand, calibre, scope etc etc I should get. This topic seems to be a bit of a rabbit hole that never has an entirely satisfactory answer. There seems to always be another opinion....
Bought a lovely little BSA Viscount in 7x57 and was googling about the right rings for it, as it has 19mm dovetails on the receiver. Old post from a discussion came up on Google that was from this forum, so took a look. :)
Through a mate
thru the other defanct one . was a member there till the end . didnt know much about the story behind the mask so to speak. but it pretty much exhausted itself from what i can see so joined up over here after that.
good ole google when looking for rifle reviews from end users
Dr Google :thumbsup:
almost like 10 years ago, there was a similar forum but it was a Chinese version, I guess it was built by gun city sales or someone from adventure tourism. Actually, there were quite good, lots of posts of fishing and hunting. The fact is most of Chinese in NZ they do `t speak English. But that website was gone, then I found here when I was searing for hunting information in SI
Looking for head lamps lol
Through a mate
I was doing a good search looking for 223rem for deer hunting which directed my to link on NZ hunting website.
This place pops up in searches quite a bit
fishnhunt days:thumbsup:
Stumbled across this forum on one of my 30 plus open tabs researching hunting gear for beginners and haven't left. Sucks to be you guys :P
@Rushy Above ground and breathing, like some old fella once told me! Long overdue for another shoot one of these days mate :beer:
Through a mate who uses this site
A mate recommended site to as he has been a member for while now
Through Google search:thumbsup:
Recipes, especially for hunting trips (jerky, dried veggies etc) plus hunting in Waikato area places.
Searched for info about a shotgun on Google, this forum was one of the search results.
Looking gor info on wooden stocks
Ran a few searches through google and always came up in the top of the searches with multiple threads