Hello Eeebees!
I see the breed question have already been answered.
Don't know how things are in NZ regarding prices for hunting, but in Norway it varies.
This is how things works for Big game (Moose and deer) Usually, you pay one basic fee, lets say 80 nz dollars. And on top of that you pay around 100 NOK per kilo (after slaughter)
If you dont plan on bringing the meat home to NZ, you have to sell it. And then a Norwegian veterinary have to approve the meat.( as a main rule, if you want to sell the meat to a store or restaurant )
If you own the forest ( like I do ) you don't pay anything, and you get the meat for free.
Small game is easier, then you just pay one fee for a week or the whole season.
Me and my father have rented a small game area for three years ( where the picture with the dogs)
But off course, hunting in another country is much easier if you know someone in that country.