Hunting bug struck!
G'day all,
I have read many a good post on this forum, so finally decided to join so I can interact!
I live in Nelson, and have for the last 7 years. Waikato before that.
I got bitten by the hunting bug and caught the fever! I had been on the fence about going through the FAL process and getting into hunting. Then a mate invited me out for a hunt and had a blast. That's all it took, hooked instantly!
So I'm a new hunting enthusiast and always keen to learn new things!
Good mate taking you along. Some really knowledgeable guys here. Hunting isn't always easy, but when it all comes together its fantastic.
Welcome, from another Nelsonian. The sooner you start the licensing process the sooner you can go broke buying the new toys, er tools.
Welcome to the forum peppersteak.
At the moment your medium rare, but you'll soon be well done :)
Welcome, plenty of folks up that way on here