I figured that I would give y'all a heads up. I'm planning on moving to New Zealand with my family. We are currently living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. In short we want more for our family and plan to come and help and fit in and help and work for the greater good. My wife runs a fairly large school and I am a fish biologist.
I have hunted for 20 years and I am self taught and have never paid a dime/penny/anything for a guide, lease, animal or rights to hunt on a piece of property. I have harvested maybe 35 or so animals, many bull elk (American Wapiti) (some big) many mule deer (some medium, one big), whitetail and several bears. I am not bragging I am just giving you a background. IN FACT ONE OF THE THINGS THAT HAS ABSOLUTLEY TURNED ME OFF TO THE NEW AMERICAN HUNTING REVOLUTION IS THE BRAGGING. Social media has turned things into puffing up your chest as being the biggest and the best and much of it is fake as people do/pay whatever it takes to continue their fame. I DO NOT have any of those social media accounts and I am not a trophy hunter by any means. In NZ I would be hoping to harvest game for food only...we/I are looking for a simple life of happiness and togetherness and hunting and fishing to put food on the table.
As I said I have been a fish biologist for 17 years, salmonid based and mostly field work and hands on projects as opposed to working behind a desk. I live near one of our larger rivers, the Columbia, and fish a couple of tournaments a year with 40 or so boats participating. I really do like to fish and hunt for many many reasons but probably most importantly because it is an escape from everything...spending 5 hours out on the river playing captain in my boat and fishing my butt off or spending a few nights camping on a mountain.
I hope to learn your ways and ask for your help and help where I can. Here is a youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o0scwLCL3M&t=14s that I posted because a guy's disabled son had a license for the same area last year and I wanted to get him excited about it. It is NOT on a ranch I just titled it that so people wouldn't take notice. Please feel free to help me (I could use all the advice I can get) or tell me that you don't want me there![]()