Hello All,
New to this site, while I have gave a brief history of myself will add a bit more.
Joined this site as I find a lot of information here on the Norinco Arms, as I have a JW15 and found I could make this rifle into a very nice shooter and nice looking firearm. Since the powers to be here in the USA have banned Norinco fire arms I look to where I can find the info. needed.
That said, I was born and raised in the USA, Minnesota to be exact. Hibbing,MN in the heart of the Range Country meaning the Iron Range. Have been mining iron ore here since the 1800's to present day,as well as other Precious Metals have become a big thing also.
My Family came from England and maybe France in the 1600's.
Due to health I no longer hunt but I do like to shoot that being small bore the most. I have a number of .22 rimfire rifles and hand guns, also 17 HMR and 17 WSM (Winchester Super Magnum)and a Winchester 7mm Winchester Short Magnum. Handguns .22's 22mag, 380,357 mag, 9mm 45acp.
It also is nice to see what the other side of the World so to speak do with their firearms and such. I know your Gun Law's are much tougher than ours, though if we are not careful we may find ourselves in a deep fix. We have far to many well placed and well off folks who would like to take them away. Including the United Nations who would dearly love to control firearms here in the USA, NO WAY !!
I look forward to the different kinds of information I can gain from this site and maybe give a little also.
The Silver Hawk II,