gidday, been lurking the forums for awhile now, usually trawling the trifecta that is: nzhs, snipers hide and accurate shooter. Long time shooter of about 8 years mostly into the Long range practical field shooting and a little PRS (plan on attending the TLRS/Gille matches at some stage). Like most others here, I'm into filling freezer with deer and what ever else when time allows. Main shooter is a (yes I know) 6.5 creed which I've just finished (almost) putting together. currently tooling up a reloading bench (again) to also join in on the lack of component frustration. Based north of Auckland means further joining in on the lack of decent shooting ranges in the region
anyway just thought id make an intro and find others that might share some of the same expensive anti socialist interests etc, cheers.
there should be a mandatory intro photo to make these a bit more interesting
6.5cm b14 hmr 22"
5-25x56 steiner m5xi
OD RL 7.62 suppressor
A419 arca lock rail 12"
tier one rings
leopold 20moa pic
Cadex DX2 trigger
BFG vickers sling