just a quick question does anyone no how long it takes for your firearms license to be sentout/issued
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just a quick question does anyone no how long it takes for your firearms license to be sentout/issued
Welcome to the forum Nakiman2. Your question is similar to the one that asks " how long is a piece of string?" It can and sometimes does take several weeks.
Anything from 2 weeks to 3 months.
Mine was 2 months I think.
With all the E Endorsements that are getting processed I would allow for 3 to 8 weeks.
Mine took 18 months from when I submitted application to gaining my licence, I used my old man as a ref and he was in Gisborne, I was in Nelson. I'd highly recommend using referees in your home town
It really is pot luck.
Mine took 2 months because at the time they were moving the facility that produced the cards from CHC to AKL. As for endorsements, same thing - I applied 3 months ago and haven't heard anything yet whereas a friend in south AKL applied six weeks ago and has received notification that it's been approved.
If I recall correctly mine took less than 2 months from applying to receiving.
About 2 weeks delay to attend the firearms safety course, two weeks to wait for interviews (all done at my home on the same night at the request of the interviewer) and 2-3 weeks to receive the license. I was warmed that it could take 4+ weeks for the license to be issued.
Welcome to the forum
allow for about 4+ weeks I think mine took about 5 to 6 to come though when I first got it
The wait is killing me:oh noes:
I am in waiting mode too, only been 2 weeks since the guy did the interviews :)
For any under 16's on here, you can do the test and interviews up to 6 months before you turn 16. Speeds things up a lot.
My one arrived today :) So that was a two week wait from the interview. I am really happy with the process, has only been 2 1/2 weeks from the time I put my application in. Hope yours turns up soon Nakiman...
Been 6 weeks and 3 days (time I put my application in) and still waiting for my Endorsement :oh noes:
The day after i sat the test i handed in all the info, and then from there it took about 4 weeks for the interview and then 4 weeks for the license to come .