Hiya all,
Stumbled on this forum while searching or info on semi-auto .22LR's. Joined up a while back, but mainly just been reading as I ddin't have much to say at the time.
Been meaning to get my FA for many years, but never got around to it until bout this time last year.
First true hunting experience was Waikaremoana when I was about 11 or 12 with my old man. That pretty much got me hooked on NZ outdoors and I've been meaning to get motivated ever since.
Been out tramping/camping so many times, and finally thought it was about time I carried something more worthwhile than a sharp stick with me.
Now I have a Remington 597 .22 and an Enfield ex-service .303, as well as use of Dad's old favourite Winchester .308 (he's grown rather attached to his SKS).