Looking for stalking buddies
Hey team,
was a while since I wrote anything on forums, used to be at old FishHunt forum which no longer exist.
Got a stalking-apprentice dog (GSPxViszla) and looking to find guys who have their own dog and perhaps to tag along or just to get some hints for training...
Bush stalking is my preferred way of hunting. Wont shoot spring hinds or early fawns. Don't really like taste of antler so not after those unless they are pre-roar. Lie the taste of goats but they all too far away from home now. If I see pig than there is no prisoners usually. Hunting mostly public land around Canterbury foothills (Oxford, Mt.Hutt etc.). Trying to do some conservation related "hunting" around Banks Peninsula too.
Into meat curing, smokers and dryers as well as sustainable way of life.
Other than that just looking for general info and knowledge here or if the mix is right some new friends and stories to tell...