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  • 1 Post By veitnamcam

Thread: new to forum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    new to forum

    hi all a bit about me im a mad keen duck shooter and fisher i have 7 kids from the age 2 to 11 with them all keen on the out doors 2 that shoot 410s and the rest that keep me bizzy baiting hooks

  2. #2
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Welcome snap & flap.
    7 kids huh I got two cant imagine having 7!
    falconhell likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Whakatete Bay... Coromandel
    You would have to be good at hunting and fishing to keep the food up to all those guys and girls. I had a Ranger Trainee gang cutting tracks about that size of your family one winter and man I was always worried about running out of food. You should have seen them tackle a deer only the hide, hooves and some of the less desirable innards escaped their attention. The soup pot and the mincer are the two most valuable tools you can have. Do you want my recipes for brain fritters, liver patties, baked stuffed heart.

    Anyway a big welcome to the forum from the Coromandel.

  4. #4
    GSP Mad Munsey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by snap & flap View Post
    hi all a bit about me im a mad keen duck shooter and fisher i have 7 kids from the age 2 to 11 with them all keen on the out doors 2 that shoot 410s and the rest that keep me bizzy baiting hooks
    Hi there 7 kids I think you should change your name to SNIP & flap. Great things those 410 s .

  5. #5
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Welcome pal, clearly there is only one good way to keep warm down your way. You will find that they are a good bunch on here.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  6. #6
    A Good Keen Girl Dougie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Hawkes Bay
    Nice one, Rushy!

    Good on ya mate and welcome. I'm surprised you have time for a forum!!!
    She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt



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