Barry,Barry, good man...... really enjoyed your speil and agreed with it right up till you typed this really weird bit.... I take it by you typing that,that you have never hunted with a lever action?????
one of the very reasons people use them for bush stalking is the ABILITY to carry it SAFELY with a round chambered and hammer down on half CANNOT fire until fully cocked and trigger depressed no matter what tricks you try...animal is sighted,identified beyond all doubt rifle is raised to shoulder and cocked with thumb as sights come to eye,bang flop knifework time. yo ucan even do it silently if your CAREFUL and hold trigger back,pull hammer right back and release trigger THEN release hammer...TRY IT UNLOADED MANYTIMES to get hang of it first. rifle is then cocked and ready to fire.... its the reason single shot break open rifles and shotguns are so popular too for young folks under supervision.