New Member Intro
Hi, I've had this site recommended to me by numerous folks as the place to come to share knowledge, buy, sell and trade so here i am.
I'm Christchurch based, picked up shooting about 3 years ago but have been interested shooting and archery for years.
After getting my FAL my recurve and compound bows haven't been getting much use, but I try get to the local handloaders range when I can with my rifles.
Mostly a target shooter, I handload for my centre fire rifles.
I'm keen to do more hunting, I'm not at all experienced at hiking and mountaineering, broke my ankle in December so right now it feels like it will be a few months before I'll be happy to start walking hills.
Welcome aboard Paddy. There is a bloody good Irish pub with your names.
Welcome Paddy, its a good place for info here. I have only been hunting a year.