Hi all, new member here.
Nelson based, getting my two daughters in to the sport and they are loving it.
currently looking to buy a 7mm08, I figure a good calibre for deer to cut their teeth on. let me know if you have one for sale
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Hi all, new member here.
Nelson based, getting my two daughters in to the sport and they are loving it.
currently looking to buy a 7mm08, I figure a good calibre for deer to cut their teeth on. let me know if you have one for sale
Welcome to the Forum.
I like my 708. Softer shooting for the kids when they are ready.
Welcome aboard
Welcome to Nelson, don't rule out something like a .223, 22-250 or even .243.
Welcome to the forum.
Are you new to Nelson, or a long timer?
Welcome to the forum.
Hi there, also from Nelson Region, also new
welcome @stead
there's a great buy & sell section here but you need to spend some time on here and contribute before you get access to it.
I've got a 7mm-08 but have found that there's a limited selection of factory ammo for it, not an issue if you reload though.