Hi team, name's Chris, based in Rotorua and very much looking to get into hunting!
I've always been a fisherman but seasickness takes a lot of the joy out of it, so figured that you can't get seasick while hunting!
After I got my license, I ended with a Howa 1500 (308) which I took on a guided meat hunt last weekend around Horopito. I managed to shoot a sika but the blood trail stopped! So I'm on the hunt still for my first deer.
Other than that, I work as a lawyer in criminal law and do a bunch of firearms-related cases (was previously a cop in Auckland). I also do a bit of fish artwork which I'm hoping to expand to deer art, so stay tuned!
Hope to meet like-minded people around to go hunting with, I've joined the local branch of the NZDA but have yet to go to a club night.