Newbie from Wellington
Hey there! Hope everyone doing great! As title says - I’m complete noob, waiting for my firearms licence to come through and looking for options in area. I do a lot of spearfishing and my philosophy is to kill only what I can eat. Not judging trophy hunters, just not fan of wasting food. I’m after deer mainly, would snipe boar or goat (well anything really) if given chance.
If I could tag along with someone/group and learn something, that’d be fantastic.
Do you guys reckon 308 would be good first gun? I kind of want “do it all” gun. Later expand - .22 for rabbits and shotgun for ducks. Does it make sense or am I dreaming?
Thanks everyone for feedback!
Welcome. I recommend you join NZDA and consider doing the HUNTS course.
308 would be just fine. Especially with a suppressor.
Welcome aaafdtx.
Kapiti based spearo/hunter here too, might see you out there some time.
Wow, the Kapiti based spearo's / hunters are everywhere.....another one here
Kapiti NZDA branch are fantastic. The range officers are a wealth of knowledge, and are happy to share techniques etc to get the most out of your range time.
The Kapiti Range is a little "rustic" aka shooting mounds in a farm paddock, but accommodates shooting out to 300M. More suited to hunting type disciplines, than benchrest.
As for first gun - Suppressed .308 will do everything you want in NZ. Lots of choices for factory ammo, not too heavy on the recoil, and can be cut short if bush hunting is your thing.
Another Kapiti member here. Join the local Kapiti deerstalkers. theyre a good bunch and definately recommend doing the their Hunts course. It ends with a fallow hunt where all members get the opportunity to drop a deer.
Hey there, forgot to mention my name haha. It’s Denny.
In case you are looking for dive buddy, I’m keen to dive Kapiti Island for kingie or albacore anytime!
Another one here from kapiti, hunter and diver/fisher.