Good day everyone!
I'm Marcus H, 38 and from Ohio in the states. Living down in south Tennessee so I'm the definition of a Yankee even here. Absolutely love hunting and have been doing it since a little kid on our farm, mostly squirrel, deer, turkeys and any predator that decided to play the game. Just in the last few years I've really picked up bow hunting for big mulies out west and have been hooked with traveling ever since. I usually travel to 7-8 states every spring for turkey hunting alone. I'm a spot and stalk type of guy by heart and love the challenge. Some of my best days in the woods and mtns have been simply getting close to what I'm after and just enjoying being out even when I came home empty. I'm usually a lone hunter since all my friends have kids now days and these hunting trips are all I have besides working my life away, in which I travel all the time as a lineman.
New Zealand has been a dream hunt for many years but wanted a little to late when I finally got my passport the beginning of 2020. We all know how they went. Actually, was not planning on a trip for another 2 years but got a gap in work and very last minute pulled the trigger. I do have a guide service starting the 31st of May and against everyone's advice I know, including the guides haha, I'm bringing my bow and getting after it on the days I'm not with them. I'm not looking at running into anything within bow range but I believe being out there will still be more than worth it. I was told bowhunting is tough in the winter but I think it's tough anywhere and all the time so I'm not discouraged one bit. That's the game I like.
So just wanted to say hi and if you see a lost Yankee up in the mtns near Queenstown, feel free to wave and laugh, but know I'm probably loving every second of it! 🤣
Good luck to all with the rest of your seasons, I've seen some beautiful deer and stag on here, congrats and wish you all the best!
If anyone has some trips out west for mule deer and what not, in the states this year, feel free to hit me up!