Yep buddy you're spot on, except that it doesn't help, it's a requirement to foster puppies before getting your first operational dog, which again is a puppy and you grow together. I'm realistically looking at five years minimum from now to be getting my first dog. Jet will be Just over 8 years old. Scary thought to think what I'll have to do. He's my mate and he's coming along so well with his tracking.
I looked at the fire service but have heard some pretty horrid stories from females in the service, so thanks but no thanksI wanted to be a cop from my early teens but just never believed in myself. When I started working for Customs when I was 18, I realised everyone in Uniform put their pants on one leg at a time, just like me. A quick change in contract after the quakes forced me into the full time green but looked how that turned out so here I am back chasing the original dream!
Thank you all so much for the well wishes - it's such a painfully long process and Wellington is renowned for being the worst recruitment centre in the country. Getting out every second week with Delta and of course working what seems to be nearly every waking hour is keeping the flame burning strong for me.